Monday, March 1, 2010

A greater pain than I have ever felt

This morning I experienced a pain like I have never felt before, something I could imagine being used as a form of torture.  Compared to everything else I have felt before I am going to say that as of right now I can only imagine child labor being able to beat this on a pain factor scale.  I'm not even sure how it happened because it was so fast and all day I have been wondering, really HOW did it happen?

Now that you can all see what my "mini" thumb looks like with the entire nail ripped off I am positive you are almost as grossed out as I am.  Having that nasty, bloody little thing attached is nasty - and not being able to use it because it still hurts is actually pretty difficult.  I have realized how vital my little thumb is to me and how much easier it makes my life - thank you, "Thumbelina."  =]

Anyway, on to a little on how it happened, since I can't really figure out HOW!!!  I was putting clean sheets and a new bed skirt on the bed this morning and somehow my nail caught onto a part of the wooden beam for the bed and WAA-LA!  I don't know where it caught or how on earth there was enough force to rip the ENTIRE nail away from my nail bed.  I always knew the nail lady I go to is awesome and that her glue she uses is good quality because it takes me hours to remove my acrylic nails when I choose to do that, but this showed an entire new level of strength.  The acrylic nail was about as good as new (with the addition of a whole lot of blood) and perfectly glued to it (fully attached) was my actual thumb nail.  CRAZY!!

I mean I know the pain of getting the tip of your nail caught and it breaking at the end, but the rest is still attached.  This was a more incredible pain that I could have ever imagined coming from something like acrylic nails, something more awful than I would wish upon anyone.  My finger was bleeding so much, it was burning hot, and it was pulsing so much it felt like it had its own heart.  I can't even describe the pain any other way than indescribable (now that was descriptive, wasn't it?!)    ; ) 

Through this I learned:  never make the bed (haha, kidding!), don't get acrylic nails (but, I still will..), and ALWAYS have band-aids on hand, lots of band-aids (guess it looks like I'm going to the store).  Apparently there were only 3 band-aids left in our box, and I had all 3 on at one time to hold in the blood and my finger still bled through all of them!!!  Yuck!

Good news is that it doesn't feel like it has a pulse anymore, but the bad news is .. not going to be healed anytime soon - but life goes on!  Thank God it isn't in as much pain anymore, I didn't break my actual thumb, and my thumb is still attached to my hand!!!


  1. Oh. my. goodness! Your poor little thumb!!! It looks sooooooooo painful. (Though I have to admit I couldn't help but chuckle at your "Thumbelina" remark --so did Chloe! lol) I'm so sorry that this happened but am glad to see that you still have your good sense of humor. ;) We'll all be praying that it heals quickly...and that you NEVER do that again!

    love ya,

  2. Just me again.... I forgot to mention that the wording at the bottom of your blog fits into your life perfectly, even {or maybe especially} today. ;)


  3. Omigosh, Monica! I can't imagine! I feel for you, but surely not as much as you feel for yourself today ;-) This is one for the books -- most unique way to hurt yourself! I'll be praying for your healing factor to be QUICK! love ya much, Rad Ma

  4. YOU POOR THING! That is absolutely terrible. I cannot imagine how that feels :(
